Sunday, October 02, 2011

If You're In The Car, You're In The Game!

The Eddie Stobart game, I mean.

It's really very simple. When you're in a car with me you are required to participate in the game.

By declaring 'I'm not playing your stupid game,' you are simply declaring that you are a loser and that you intend to go on losing. The only thing you'll achieve by not playing the game is that you won't win.

Similarly, if you snooze, you lose. You gotta pay attention and falling asleep ain't gonna help you win!

And just to clarify, we're playing the classic version of the game. One point per lorry.

None of those ridiculous variations where you have to declare the name of the lorry to get the point, or double points for a double trailer. If you think you're playing by those rules, then you're wrong and just contributing to your loser status. And you're probably a Communist.

Now go and practice, bitches!

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