Monday, October 24, 2011

It's Harder In The Morning

About ten times harder, in fact.

What? No! Not that! You lot have disgusting filthy minds.

No, I mean simple tasks like combing your hair or making breakfast or brewing a nice cuppa. It just seems like so much more effort than the same tasks later in the day.

I suppose it must be something to do with rubbish early morning co-ordination and that foggy, cotton-wool effect that waking up has on your brain. Everything you do is ten times heavier and ten times more complicated.

I mean, when I get up, I follow pretty much the same routine every morning. And almost everything I do in the morning, I also do later in the day. Going to the bathroom, going down the stairs, feeding the cats, making Dr K a cup of tea, making myself a little something to eat and so-on. But it's all very difficult.

Later in the day, when I go to the bathroom, come down the stairs, feed the cats, make tea and prepare food, it's all pretty simple.

I have a little theory. It's still in development, so it's subject to change:

Basically, I'm a lazy son of a bitch and barely do anything around the house. In fact my only regular tasks are focused around feeding. I feed the cats and I prepare our meals. Dr K does all the rest - cleaning up, taking the bins out etc.

But the reason I'm so lazy is because it's all so difficult in the morning. Those three or four tasks are actually like thirty or forty tasks.

And that is why that be cup of tea that I make Dr K every morning means that, by rights, she should make me loads of tea for the rest of the day. Hop to it, lass.

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