Friday, June 17, 2011

I Think They Must Like Me...

My workmates, I mean.

Today was a Freaky Friday, which means that they didn't have to put up with my stupid face, inane wittering or slightly creepy innuendoes.

I thought they'd be glad to be rid of me for a bit.

And then one of them turned up on my doorstep with a tin of delicious homemade cakes. Look, here they are:

I hadn't even got dressed. I was lounging around in my Batman PJs and dressing gown.

Now, you know me. My body is a temple, so I wouldn't normally eat cakes, but it was such a nice gesture that I guess I'll have to make an exception. Only to be polite, you understand.

I think I'll start with the rock cake... Om nom nom...

Thanks, guys!

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