Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Oh My God, It's An Even Bigger One! And Other Stories

I started my day by finding an even bigger chair near the hotel restaurant. Obviously I had to make my boss take another photo!

With a start like this, I knew it was going to be a good day!

Our contact in the Chester office had informed us that the hotel we were staying at was 'just at the bottom of our car park'. Which was true, but what he didn't tell us was that there was an impenetrable fence between the hotel and the office car park that required us to wander the streets and canals of Chester for half an hour before we pretty much accidentally found an unlocked gate allowing us ingress.

Now, when my mum discovered that I was going to Chester for the day, she was a great pains to instruct me - at great painful length - to make sure I visit the Cathedral, the Tudor buildings and the City Wall. Despite my protestations that I would be tied up in a meeting and then getting home as quickly as possible and therefore would not have time to visit the Cathedral, the Tudor buildings and the City Wall, she insisted that visiting the Cathedral, the Tudor buildings and the City Wall were essential to my wellbeing and that should I not visit the Cathedral, the Tudor buildings and the City Wall, some unspecific unfortunateness might befall me. Maybe.

So these are for you, mum:

One cathedral.

One town hall (anyone wanting to do a bit of Boss Spotting is welcome to do so).

Some Tudor buildings.

Some more Tudor buildings.

Me looking unusually cool on the City Wall. (I think my boss has one leg shorter than the other, hence the 'arty' angle of this one! Actually, I kinda like it - it makes me look... jaunty...)

We had the top down most of the way home. I got even more sunburnt. I've never got sunburnt on a joll... er, business trip before.

One final thing, when I got home, I discovered that Dexter The Killing Machine had been cruelly efficient in my absence and left a small pile of corpses on the drive.

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