Monday, June 20, 2011

The Huge, Mega Tea Related Post I Promised Yesterday

Remember the day that Dazza tried to drink 12 pints of tea from a mixing bowl?

In the future, you may find yourself asking that question. This is the day you will be talking about!

Here's how it came about:

"A huge jug of tea. Extreme tea drinking. Not for the faint hearted!"

That was the photo message that my brother sent me yesterday. Obviously I took this as a personal challenge and immediately set about locating the largest tea-worthy receptacle I could find.

Although I was tempted to simply fill the bath, I settled on a mixing bowl that took a very respectable 12 pints of tea. I had to boil the kettle three times to fill it!

Look at the unadulterated* glee on my little face!

Delicious though it was, it soon became clear that drinking from a mixing bowl in the conventional manner was a little on the difficult size due to the size and... er... flexibility of the receptacle.

So, I had to find an alternative delivery method. My first attempt was a ladle:

This proved quite effective, but didn't really provide a proper, thirst quenching tea experience. It felt like I was eating soup, and tea flavoured soup is just weird.

Fortunately I had Dr K's keen scientific mind to hand and in no time she had provided a curly, purple solution to my problem:

Perfect. Although I recommend waiting for your tea to cool down a bit before you try sucking it through a straw, otherwise you may be as surprised as I would at the unexpectedly hot liquid spurting into my mouth**. Straws, it would seem, make hot things hotter.

Anyway, armed with my curly, purple tool, I made excellent headway into my enormous cuppa***.

Sadly, I was unable to finish the whole twelve pints. In fact I only got this far before I had to give in:

I broke out in the tea sweats. It was quite nasty.

We estimated that I'd drunk maybe five pints. It was certainly less than half. And I think that's quite respectable for one sitting.

Following this little adventure, I probably went for a wee about 15 times. In fact, just thinking about it is making my bladder twitch, so I'd better sign off now...

( * Emphasis on the 'unadult'. )

( ** Yes, yes. I know. )

( *** Cuppa? It ain't in a cup. Must be a... bowla?)

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