Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Special Chops, Lamb Madras, Pilau Rice And A Peshwari Naan, Please.

Curry nights with Bezz and the Fish Lady are always great, but last night's was especially awesome!

Not only did I get to eat curry, talk rubbish and discuss the relive merits of fun words like 'perineum' (a word we don't get to use enough in general conversation), I also got presents. And it wasn't even my birthday!

As indicated by the title of this post, I more often than not order the same meal every time I go to this particular curry house. This time however, I had planned to play against type and order something different. Maybe even something I'd never had before.

Events conspired against me, however. And by 'events', I actually mean 'Bezz' and 'The Fish Lady'! I also mean 'presents'.

I like presents nearly as much as I like curry, so you can imagine how delighted I was to receive presents on my curry night. I was almost overwhelmed!

One of the presents was a selection of foreign sweets courtesy of the Fish Lady. More on that will be forthcoming in tomorrow's post.

The main present, though, was an awesome t-shirt. Here's a picture of me wearing it:

And here's a close up on that manly chest detail:

As you can see, it's a visual aid for my favourite curry order... In T-shirt form! Amazing!

Of course, having receive this fantastic gift, it would have been downright rude of me to order something different. So when the waiter asked me for my order, I simply showed him the t-shirt.

When he, and the six other waiters that he called over, had finished laughing at me, they went and got my dinner. Which was delicious.

Now, if you look again at the lovely photo of me in my awesome t-shirt, you'll note that I am holding a shiny pen.

Why, I hear you ask, is Dazza holding a shiny pen in the lovely photo of his awesome t-shirt?

It's because the staff at the Indian restaurant wanted to give me a present, too. I think they were convinced that it was my birthday, a reasonable assumption, given the general flow of gifts in my direction, and not one that I was inclined to contradict.

It was all wrapped up in pretty paper and everything!

Here it is:

I don't think it's real gold! But it's a damn fine looking pen!

So thank you to Bezz and the Fish Lady for all of my presents. And thank you to the staff at the Taj Brasserie in Winterbourne for the tasty dinner and the shiny pen. And thank you to Dr K for her boobs. And thank you to everyone for a super duper evening!

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