Thursday, February 03, 2011

Blogging After The Theatre

Dr K has implied that my previous post was inadequate and that something more substantial is required.

The theatre from which I posted earlier was the Theatre Royal in Bath, during the interval of Avenue Q, which was awesome.

We were driven in style to the theatre by Nicky who, when she is behind the wheel, transforms into a loony magnet. As she drives, pedestrians throw themselves in front of her car, unlit cyclists wearing camouflaged outfits weave erratically in her path and buses pull out randomly. It's bloody terrifying.

We were pretty short on time, so we grabbed some fast food from a very suspect burger joint. When I say 'food', I mean 'vegeburgers'. And when I say 'vegeburgers', I actually mean 'flaccid, cardboard-like shite fit for lining the bottom of wheelie bins'. Still, I had chilli sauce on it which makes almost everything edible.

Also, this talk of burgers gives me a chance to reuse this:

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