Friday, February 04, 2011

Cheese + Potato = ?

At last!

During my first four days of vegetarianism, I have wondered what it is that prevents vegetarians from dying a horrible death brought on the the gnawing emptiness in their bellies. Leaves, roots and other bits of garden just don't seem to do it. But then I received enlightenment.

Enlightenment in the heavenly form of cheese and potato pie!

I'm pleased to say that many of my friends have rallied round to support me in my veggielicious endeavour, with encouraging comments such as:

"I'm going out for MEAT tonight. Yummy. Enjoy your Veguary."

"It's not the same as eating meaty pasta!"

"Or even chicken pie like the one we made the other night!"

"I had lots of beef tonight, was so lovely."

Thanks guys. It means a lot.

Now, believe it or not, there's other stuff going on other then my meat free month. Yes, it's true.

Today I installed a copy of Adobe Creative Suite 5 on my computer, and lovely it is too. Except I don't have the first clue how to goddamn well use it. I've never used Photoshop in my life.

It's my brother's fault. When I was visiting him last week he said to me:

"How easy would it be to turn this image into a fully fledged Flash based website?"

Which led to a discussion that led to me offering to build a fully fledged Flash based website without the first clue how to do it. I mean... I've used Flash to make cartoons, but that's just pictures and keyframes. Websites are, like... code and stuff. I guess I'd better get clever pretty damn quick!

Cost me the best part of £300, too. I wonder if I can persuade him to pay me.

I'm going to bed now. Night.

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