Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Twelve Receptionists Walk Into A Bar...

I know it sounds like the opening line to a really awesome joke, but the reality of it is not quite so amusing.

Today our building was invaded by receptionists. Loads of them. Well, about twelve.

Turns out they were there to attend some sort of course in the training suite across the way from my office, but it appealed to my sense of humour to stand and watch twelve receptionists turn up in reception to be... well... received.

Also, one of my workmates got her hand stuck in the revolving door. Go figure. As we had no ice packs to tend the bruising, I managed to scrounge a bag of frozen peas from the canteen kitchen. Not just an bag of peas, though. The chef didn't want to open the 2 kilo catering bag of peas that he found in the freezer.

I made her a sign:

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