Friday, February 18, 2011

Unexpected visit

Im writing this blog post from the car park outside the mini garage, where Dr K is in the process of getting her car MOTd. Its cold and it's raining, but i have the Sppranos theme tune to keep me amused.

Isn't it weird how giving someone a lift home often turns into something completely different?

last night... Ahem... Er, this evening (because obviously, despite all the evidence to the contrary, I'm writing this at 11.59 on Friday night and not at half eight the next morning), it had been my plan to give my buddies Scotty and Gayle a lift home, then spend the evening figuring out how to bring dynamic HTML content into a Flash file for my brother's website.

It didn't happen like that. Scotty got stuck at work and I was forced to wait in the Brass Pig in Clifton with Gayle. We had a couple of drinks, one thing led to another and the inevitable happened.

That's right, we started talking about poo.

Specifically about poo that's somewhere it shouldn't be, such as on the walls of the toilet cubicle. (Not the walls of the toilets in the Brass Pig - I didn't go in there, so I can't comment on the fecal situation in their cubicles).

That's not what this post is about. Bear with me here.

So Scotty turned up an hour late and we had another drink because he'd had a shitty day.

The conversation turned to pizza and how much we loved it (much more so than shitty walls). it transpired that we all wanted pizza for our tea and so, we elected to go back to my place with pizza.

We had a most excellent evening of pizza and wine and purple grape juice (because Dr K isn't drinking during Veguary and I didn't want her to feel left out - although I'm not quite sure who i was expecting to fool with it) and, of course, tea. Oh, and conversation, some of which may have been about poo.

The only problem with having Scotty and Gayle over is the 20 mile round trip when it cones to raking their drunken asses home. It was horrible weather on the motorway. With the rain and the spray against me, there were a few hairy moments.

It was worth it though, because there's not much better in life than spending an unexpected evening with two of your best friends. It's better, even than new gadgets or Jaffa Cakes!

Here's to you, Scotty and Gayle. You are most excellent people.

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