Sunday, February 27, 2011

Routine Disruption Resentment

I am a creature of habit. In fact as far as my morning routine goes I'm practically OCD; any deviation can cause me to fly into an entirely unjustified, disproportional rage.

If, for example, you were to intrude upon my traditional weekend morning, you might be faced with something like this:

This morning, I had to inform Dr K that her presence downstairs would NOT be welcome before 11am, when she began to display evidence of getting dressed.

I like things to be in their place. Many is the morning when I have had to have a quiet word with the remote control, when it has the temerity to force me to spend more than three seconds looking for it.

And woe betide the receptionist in my office if she stops me on the way in to offer me a parking space in the secure car park rather than in the dodgy car crime supermarket round the corner (otherwise known as the Argos Car Park)!

Once mornings are out of the way, I'm pretty easy going. Unless I need something from the pan cupboard.


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