Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Chris The Robot Psychic

Today I was phoned by a robot psychic called Chris.

No, really. It's true. Honest. It actually happened. The phone rang and a recorded voice which was DEFINITELY a robot, began to talk. Unfortunately, I did not have presence of mind to transcribe it at the time, but this is an approximation of what it said:

Hi, I'm Chris and I am a Clairvoyant. I have helped hundreds of people with my parapsychic powers and I am coming to your area and am looking for people who can benefit from my unique talents.

Yes, you are going to receive details of my parapsychic services. Just press 'one' now.

Here is an illustration of what I believe Chris the psychic robot looks like:

Now, I'm not really sure what Chris the Psychic Robot really has planned for me, because being a robot with parapsychic powers, I'm pretty sure he's not going to waste his time contacting my dead mum.

In fact my mum isn't even dead and has quite a few years left in her. I don't know very many dead people, so I don't think he can help me at all. His unique parapsychic powers didn't tell him that did they?

So, in conclusion, I believe that Chris the Psychic Robot has some sort of world domination plan that involves manipulating slightly stupid, vulnerable people.

Having met quite a lot of people, I imagine he will be successful. I, for one, welcome our new Psychic Robot Overlords.

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