Thursday, May 19, 2011

The Best Laid Plans Of Mice And Men Oft Turn Into Cheese Sandwiches

Hmm. I had a plan for this evening. I'm not going to pretend that it was my best laid plan, as I know how oft they go awry.

To counter this problem, I made what is known in the trade as a 'second best laid plan' which, common sense tells us, is less likely to awry than an actual best laid plan as no-one's coined a phrase or written a poem about it.

It still went awry.

I had a meticulously scheduled evening in which I took Rochester for a check up at the vets while Dr K cooked me a delicious dinner so that we had ample time to get to the cinema to see Thor.

Unbeknownst to me, the Evil Cabal of Evil had spent the afternoon recruiting.

You will see that the Energy Secretary, Chris Huhne has joined their evil ranks. As part of his initiation task, he arranged for an inconveniently timed power cut which meant that instead of a delicious cooked dinner, I had... a cheese sandwich.


Ironically, the power came back on right after Dr K finished making my sandwich. Grr.

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