Please note that there are a couple of gory photos in today's blog post. If you are easily put of your food by the sight of gizzards, innards or giblets, then this isn't the post for you.
Still here? Okay... don't say you weren't warned!
It was around lunchtime on a sunny afternoon when the body was found. If it could be called a body, at all. A bit of intestine and something green and wobbly was all that remained of the unfortunate victim. A single foot was later discovered some distance away from the crime scene.

Fortunately the murder was caught on CCTV. A nearby camera took this image:

Forensic scientists were able to apply the infamous 'Hollywood Algorithm' to this image to zoom in and clear it up a bit, showing the murderer in the middle of his horrific business and thereby furthering the plot:

Despite dodgy TV plot device based software, the picture was still not clear enough to reveal the identity of the murderer, so local people were canvassed to see if they had seen anything.
One resident saw the horrible act in progress, but rather than trying to stop it, or call the police, decided instead to take some photographs, intending to post them on the Internet or sell it to the newspapers at a later date.

This photograph was perhaps the most damning:

Police cross referenced this face to their records and quickly came up with a match:

Dexter had a previous conviction for criminal footprints and detergent theft and is suspected of being a tiger, although that last charge wouldn't stick. His psychological profile suggests that he has committed other rodent murders although there is little evidence to support this.
He was easy enough to locate as he was attempting to break into a local house a few hours later. He resisted arrest and was abusive to the arresting officers

But he was eventually taken down town for processing.
Another murder mystery solved by good, solid, completely made up police work.
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