Monday, May 23, 2011

The Relative Horribleness Of Foreign Sweets #1: Switzerland

Today, I had a conversation with the Fish Lady, who is foreign, about foreign sweets. She assures me that Polish sweets are delicious.

Whether or not she is correct in her assertion, this conversation got me thinking about foreign sweets. While I fully appreciate the generosity of my globetrotting workmates, in my experience, foreign sweets are generally pretty horrible. In fact that's almost the point of them!

Today, we got 'Milka' chocolates from Switzerland.

This one is strawberry flavoured. That's right: strawberry flavoured chocolate. Not chocolate with a strawberry filling. Strawberry flavoured chocolate.

And by strawberry, I actually mean 'shit'. Yuck.

I don't want to start my scale too low as I think the world has a lot more horribleness to offer, so Switzerland will be used as the mid-point, or the benchmark if you will.


(An additional weird thing about strawberry flavoured chocolate sweets from Switzerland is that the wrappers are purple, yet when photographed, they appear to be bright blue!)

Update: one of my workmates had a camera phone that could see the correct colour of the sweet wrapper:

So there you go!

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