Friday, May 20, 2011

More Things That People Say

People don't just stop saying brilliant things because I write a blog post about it. Here's nine more things that people have said since the last post!

"You gave me quite a bit of stuffing."
Dr K compliments me on my portion size... at dinner.

"Would you rather be a hag or a crone?"
I ask some really thought provoking questions!

"My chuff doesn't play music you know."
Dr K explains female anatomy to me.

"Get out of my bum!"
Dr K found my hand underneath her on the sofa once too often.

"Give it to your Daddy."
My mum was actually asking me to let my dad have the restaurant bill rather than encouraging some sort of weird incestuous homosexual encounter.

"The last thing you want is a leaking cat."
Dr K talking about... well... leaking cats.

"I've never ROFLed quite that much!"
Me, after literally rolling in the floor in laughter. In my defense, my little brother put me up to it.

"You should know this stuff by now, Archimedes!"
Dr K's comment when my bath almost overflowed.

"As long as she doesn't get her mash out as well as her bangers."
I love Dr K's food based euphemisms.

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