Friday, May 06, 2011

Democratic Blogging

Because I basically spent all day playing video games and drinking tea, I found myself bereft of things to write about this evening.

So I invited suggestions from the world of Facebook. And what do you suppose my faithful readers came up with? Something profound and thought provoking, maybe? No, they asked me to write about toenails and poo. And they asked for a chart of some sort.

Well, boys and girls, here it is:

I hope you're happy with the result.

In toenail related news, Dr K would like me to tell you that she lost a toenail the other day. Apparently it was attached when when put her socks on that morning, but when she took them off again in the evening, it was missing. The whole thing. Not in a gory way. Just missing. Completely.

If you see it anywhere, please let her know. It should be easy to recognise as she had recently painted it purple and it answers to the name of 'Germintrude' (or 'Germy' for short).

I don't really have any poo related anecdotes for you today. I mean, I had one today and it was fine, but nothing to write home about.

Good night!

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