Friday, July 22, 2011

Nine Things I Don't Like

1. Finding out that the milk on my cereal's gone off one mouthful too late!

2. Progress bars that lie.

3. Chuggers. I thought begging was illegal. Maybe someone should tell them that. Whilst punching them in their condescending, self righteous, little hippie faces.

4. Flies. especially especially on my feet!

5. Filler posts on blogs that are supposed to be funny.

6. People that stand right behind you while they're waiting for you to finish at the urinal. Man, do I make them wait.

7. 'Sparkling' water. Firstly, the word you're looking for is 'fizzy', you pretentious dickhole. Secondly, water isn't fizzy. That's just wrong. WRONG! (Although a small part of me wants to know what would happen to the goldfish if I filled their tank with fizzy water...)

8. Prejudiced, bigoted people. They're just wankers!

9. Foreigners. Oh, wait...

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